Ever been hit on by a person you have no interest in "in that way"? I'm not talking about subtle eye contact and a flirty smile - but full on "wanna get a room?" stuff a la Harry Burns to Sally Albright (Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan) in "When Harry Met Sally." It always makes me uncomfy, but I never quite know what the heck to do with it...
Last weekend while playing designated driver to a tipsy friend, I ran into a guy I knew from high school. Actually, he is the brother of a woman from my graduating class, but he is still someone I accepted a friend request from on Face Book way back when I first signed on. Hadn't seen him in easily 20 years and, although he was sober, he gave me "the look" (y'know, the full body once over that makes you feel like you need cryptonite clothing and a shower) and commented too many times in the course of 10 minutes about how great I looked. Then dude wanted to get a picture of just the two of us! Mind you, he's a full foot shorter than I am and his head came about to my bra line so guess where his face would have been in the photo? Did I mention he did NOT look like he did in high school at all? What?!?
Problem was I didn't want to be rude and blow him off in a way that would make it necessary for me to leave in a hurry (remember, I was "wing man" for my not-so-sober friend), so I kept deflecting his innnuendos in the hopes that he'd just give up and go the heck away. Didn't work and eventually we did hafta leave, but not because of anything I said to ward him off...
Today, I was propositioned by a friend from high school via Face Book IM. He said he'd had a crush on me in sixth grade (ummm...like, 25 years ago). Again, I deflected - with humor - but just couldn't say "not interested" because I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Didn't mislead at all, but, still. I ended up texting a friend for some quick one liners I could use. My "let 'em down easy" game needs some serious help, it seems...
How do YOU handle unwanted advances?
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